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Ekroll, Ø. (2021). Scandinacian Holy Kings in the Nativity Church of Betlehem. I K. B. Aavitsland & L. M. Bonde, Tracing the Jerusalem Code. De Gruyther

Scandinacian Holy Kings in the Nativity Church of Betlehem er en artikkel av Øystein Ekroll, i artikkelsamlingen Tracing the Jerusalem Code av Kristin B. Aavitsland og Line M. Bonde (red.)

Artikkelens ingress:

In the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, one of the holiest Christian sites, built over a grotto which has been identified since the fourth century as the birthplace of Jesus, are the oldest extant images of St Knud of Denmark and St Olav of Norway. During the Crusader period in the twelfth century, these two saintly kings from the far end of the world were painted on two of the columns in the church. Why were images of Scandinavian royal saints given such prominent places in this prestigious church, and who stood behind the execution of this work of art?

Om artikkelsamlingen Tracing the Jerusalem Code

With the aim to write the history of Christianity in Scandinavia with Jerusalem as a lens, this book investigates the image – or rather the imagination – of Jerusalem in the religious, political, and artistic cultures of Scandinavia through most of the second millennium. Jerusalem is conceived as a code to Christian cultures in Scandinavia. The first volume is dealing with the different notions of Jerusalem in the Middle Ages.

Redaktører for artikkelsamlingen er Kristin B. Aavitsland og Line M. Bonde 

Utgivelsesår: 2021

Forlag: De Gruyther

Språk: Engelsk

Sider: 617

ISBN eBok: 9783110639438
ISBN bok: 9783110634853

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2